Monday, March 7, 2011

script: Finish

  • Hi, my name is Juan Guerra.
  • A current issue facing the youth of America and the world are Dental Carries, also known as cavities.
  • Today, Dental caries are Americas number one childhood chronic disease. Affecting nearly 42% of children from the ages of 2-11.
  • Black and Hispanic children and those living in families with lower incomes have more decay.
  • If nothing is done to stabilize the issue, money spent to fix the cavities will place a big financial burden for uninsured families.
  • Much can be done to reduce the risk of cavities, such as proper dental hygiene and regular dental visits.
  • The most proven method of combating the issue is to go through the process of dental sealants.
  • Dental sealants are a dental treatment consisting of applying a plastic material to one or more teeth, for the intended purpose of preventing dental caries (cavities) or other forms of tooth decay.
  • For many, Dental sealants can be applied in minimal time with a simple visit to the Dentist.
  • The problem facing uninsured families is that going to the Dentist for a check up can be a financial problem, let alone, the application of sealants can run a family around 30 dollars a tooth.
  • My program, is designated for those who are low class and uninsured who hesitate to go to a dental office  due to financial worries.
  • Me and a group of assistants along with our Dentist, will go to an underdeveloped neighborhood and perform dental sealants to the occlusal side of the tooth.
  • This will hopefully reduce the amount children that develop Dental Carries, therefore insuring that the children of America develop a bright smile.

Monday, February 28, 2011

script in progress

  • Hi, my name is Juan Guerra.
  • A current issue facing the youth of America and the world are Dental Carries, also known as cavities.
  • Today, Dental caries are Americas number one childhood chronic disease. Affecting nearly 42% of children from the ages of 2-11.
  • Black and Hispanic children and those living in families with lower incomes have more decay.
  • If nothing is done to stabilize the issue, money spent to fix the cavities will place a big financial burden for uninsured families.
  • Much can be done to reduce the risk of cavities, such as proper dental hygiene and regular dental visits.
  • The most proven method of combating the issue is to go through the process of dental sealants.
  • Dental sealants are a dental treatment consisting of applying a plastic material to one or more teeth, for the intended purpose of preventing dental caries (cavities) or other forms of tooth decay.

Monday, February 21, 2011

PSA= 15-20 images

  • This Picture shows the entire set of teeth that a human being can possibly have.

  • This is an xray image of how dental sealants would look like.

  • This is an image of how a tooth WITHOUT sealants would look like. Notice all the grooves where food can potentially get trapped and cause a cavity

  • Without the approval of the American Dental Association, any dental service cannot be practiced.

  • This is a chair that dentist would use.

  •  This is a set of baby teeth. Very important to distinguish adult form child.

  •  This is a set of how terribly wrong a lack of dental hygiene can get.

  • These are the dental sealants that are used in the application of sealants. 

  • This is where I plan to spread the word of my sealant program.

  • This is a perfect image of how dental hygiene is important to young children

  • This is how the actual application looks like

  • This is how an animated picture of the application of dental sealants looks like.

  • The probe checks if the application of the sealants was done correctly and makes sure that the sealant won't fall.

  • Perfect set of teeth, the ideal look for healthy teeth.

  •  Great picture that inspires dental hygiene for young children.

  •  This is how the process of applying the dental sealants looks like. The light helps harden the liquid sealant in place, to provide maximum strength an ultimate durability.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Catch Phrases

Seal the Deal
Pain is Lame
Bite into that!

Capstone Summary

I want to provide free dental sealants to a community that is underdeveloped and submerged in poverty. Treating a child's number one chronic disease can help America save billions of dollars on unnecessary fillings if good dental hygiene is present.