Monday, February 28, 2011

script in progress

  • Hi, my name is Juan Guerra.
  • A current issue facing the youth of America and the world are Dental Carries, also known as cavities.
  • Today, Dental caries are Americas number one childhood chronic disease. Affecting nearly 42% of children from the ages of 2-11.
  • Black and Hispanic children and those living in families with lower incomes have more decay.
  • If nothing is done to stabilize the issue, money spent to fix the cavities will place a big financial burden for uninsured families.
  • Much can be done to reduce the risk of cavities, such as proper dental hygiene and regular dental visits.
  • The most proven method of combating the issue is to go through the process of dental sealants.
  • Dental sealants are a dental treatment consisting of applying a plastic material to one or more teeth, for the intended purpose of preventing dental caries (cavities) or other forms of tooth decay.

Monday, February 21, 2011

PSA= 15-20 images

  • This Picture shows the entire set of teeth that a human being can possibly have.

  • This is an xray image of how dental sealants would look like.

  • This is an image of how a tooth WITHOUT sealants would look like. Notice all the grooves where food can potentially get trapped and cause a cavity

  • Without the approval of the American Dental Association, any dental service cannot be practiced.

  • This is a chair that dentist would use.

  •  This is a set of baby teeth. Very important to distinguish adult form child.

  •  This is a set of how terribly wrong a lack of dental hygiene can get.

  • These are the dental sealants that are used in the application of sealants. 

  • This is where I plan to spread the word of my sealant program.

  • This is a perfect image of how dental hygiene is important to young children

  • This is how the actual application looks like

  • This is how an animated picture of the application of dental sealants looks like.

  • The probe checks if the application of the sealants was done correctly and makes sure that the sealant won't fall.

  • Perfect set of teeth, the ideal look for healthy teeth.

  •  Great picture that inspires dental hygiene for young children.

  •  This is how the process of applying the dental sealants looks like. The light helps harden the liquid sealant in place, to provide maximum strength an ultimate durability.